Satwinder Bindra

Satwinder Bindra

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Different language maybe spoken by a person in a different culture


Each person has their own individual style of learning and may adopt different ways to learn info. 

Culture is art beliefs, language but race is based on shared physical qualities. 


Way of living for a person: include such things as beliefs, arts, etc


To understand that each individual is unique, and recognize the differences. 


Schema are important because each person thinks, perceives, and understands through their own specific schema. 


Both EQ and IQ are important to work in an organization. 


Soft skills and hard skills both can be learned if someone is weak in these skills so it can benefit everyone. 


I leanred that we have to be aware of our negative emotions because they can progress to anger so we can choose to mangae emtions to chanel it appropriatly. 


I learned the 10 soft skills Attension to detail, being drug-free, conflict resulution, customer service, dependability, integrity, positive attitudes, understanding others, using common sense, good work relations. 


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