Gina Bowers

Gina Bowers

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Studdnts need a variety of assignments and if possible, varety for each learning outcome. If a student needs to meet outcmoe X, it would be nice if you can comepup with a few different projects that will satisfy assessing if the student learned that outcome. Studnts can select the option that matches their learning style. 



Helpful topic! I am also going to revise my assignments and rubrics to include "exceeds expectations"  .  Some students do it automatically and deserve the 100% grade on assigfnments.... others meet the criteria but minimally... I want to be able to reward those excellend students and creating a rubric to support that would be one way that is clear to everyone!


I frequently ask students for their feedback in the courses I teach. I just had a situation today where it seems a student missed a set of instructions and didn't submit an assignment as they were supposed to.  I am allowing them time to re-do the assignment for partial credit and am asking them why they missed the initial instructions to see if I need to re-word some instructions.  it sometimes amazes me how different students interpret a set of instructions... 


In my experience, you need to set the stage on day one and be very clear about class expectations, if students need to raise their hands, being attentive in class and other policies. You can always lightemn your policies, but i have found if you start being 'too easy" you can't become harder or more strict about things.  I am honest about needing the manage the class so everyone can learn and that my policies are for the good of the student who wants to learn.   I have had some really challenging students over the years.. not a pleasant experience… >>>

I like the use it wisely card approach. over the years, i have had students who monopolize the class. i have usually been successful in having them hold on to their thoughts and give classmates a chance, while thanking them for being so engaged! i also tend to do a lot of small group discussins and projects to move students around, get them thinking and not drifting away from the content. I like to know the student's names and call on them directly to answer questins. In the computer classroom, I request monitors to be turned off to decrease distration … >>>

Setting the tone on the first day, intoduce yourself and have students do the same, name cards might help in a face to face class. be on time and encouraging


syllabus should be detailed and set the tone, policies and expectations for the class. Prepare ahead of time and know your content


be a good role model, led by example, keep learning, create a professional develpment plan


Providing a consistant look and feel for each module is helpful for the students. They get used to ow you structure your class and can then focuso on the earning objectives.  You should also use many of the best practices in online learning... communication, timely feedback, friendly environment, kudos, course announcements , using discussion boards and crerate ne for course questions.  You should use different teaching techniques and try different tools, but make sure you achieve the learning objective.  explaining "why" we assign some assignments helps the studnts buy in and learn the assignment better , in my experience.


Important to engage the student in their learning. May need to use various technologies. Students need timely feedback.


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