gary crawford

gary crawford

About me


I use the Henry Ford philosphy. He said that failure was just an opportunity to start over more intelligently.  I reassure my students by telling them that no one expects them to be perfect, but they can't know what they need to get better at until they see what they don't do well.  Then we have a goal to improve. I tell them not to compare themselves to anyone else in the class but to compare themselves to what they knew when they walked into the class.  As long as they are getting better, they are going in the right… >>>

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Simply having the knowledge required to perform the necessary tasks is not enough to allow a new employee to adjust to a sometimes confusing and hostile environment.  An internship can open eyes to the reality of a career making the shock a little less drastic.


The more technology becomes the norm in the workplace, the more important training students in the use of technology adequately and not just for entertainment is necessary. All classrooms should employ the use of technology to connect and instruct when possible.

A sad fact is that only about 20% of learners are auditory but a majority of college professors and P-12 teachers feel that lecturing is an effective technique for teaching.

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Where do the FERPA rights of students restrict my gaining information? I don't want to ask for information about a student that they told to a counselor in confidence.
After many years of instruction, I have found that in order for my students to be successful, they have to overcome the fear of failure. Henry Ford said, "Failure is just an opportunity to start over more intelligently." I believe that many students quit because they are afraid of failure. When they realize that mistakes are not only acceptable but a necessary part of learning, they begin to feel more confident and less likely to feel inadequate in comparison to their peers.
How do I know where my responsibility for student retention ends and the students' own responsibility begins? Sometimes I feel like I am being pressured to assure success even at the cost of allowing my students to take ownership of their own learning. I don't feel like they will be successful in the real world if they don't learn to commit themselves to putting out their best effort, but I feel like am pressured to assure passing not necessarily learning.

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