Gayle Johnson

Gayle Johnson

About me


We have previously had issues where our strict attendance policy is viewed by disabled students as inherently discriminatory. They have expressed the opinion that it does not enable them to meet their needs of doctor appointments, physical therapy, etc. Our position has been that successfully participating in classroom learning is an essential component of the curriculum- as is meeting the contact hours that are required. After all this is not a correspondence course. Is there distinctions that should be made, and how do we stay out of the gray areas here?

At our institution, I think we have improved drastically in our understanding of and provisions for "reasonable accommodations". The challenge has not been so much the what to provide, as the how quickly it can be provided so as not to interfere with the student's access to the same materials and resources. We offer an accelerated model, so struggle a bit in having the ability to provide a student enrolled in a particular class, for example, with all the handouts in the appropriate formats at the same time as other students receiving them in the standard format so that they… >>>

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