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I have learned a lot about rebuidling an online course form where I have one now. The course is designed on the modules and to palce more and varied assessment into the course. I will use the rubric in more assessments and also to use the discussion board as place to put student questions about assignements. The need to make the syllabus dynamic will also be a helpful tool in establishing a well balanced student centered online course.


I really need to focus assessment for the future use in Elearning.  I use summative and a little formative but I can see the value of useing peer and self assessment in the class. These will be gamechangers for many students who need the guideance and assurance that they are needed to succeed in the course.


I really liked this module because it was right where i was having issues. Trying to get students to communicate is a real puzzle. This Module provides may useful tootls in helping me help my students feel a part of the course.


I have learned to organize my module isn sucha way as to allow the studetn easy and understabdable access to the materail.

They must be able to figure out how to complet the material basically on their own so I must provide good isntructions, several examples and links for them to be successful. A database of learning is important to access chunked material to provide usable and creative ways to deliver the course online.


Feedback is an area I continue to grow in and experience the biggest problem. I am trying to balance positive and negative feedback so that students are able to succeed. The problem arises that the feedback is sterile and can be taken wrong with little or no followup.


I also need to give more positive feedback as opposed to corrective feedback in the class. This is a growing stage for me and the insight from this module was very insightful.


Synch and Asynch sommunciation are both needed for a good online course. How you use each of these methods are important and should be utilized accordingly. I want to make sure theat tone and cliamte of both forms sets the goal of inspired learning.


This module provided a great basis for developing the initial contact between student and instructor. I liked the guidelines for establishing a path of introduction to the course and instructor and the ease of student's stress through a enriched welcoming learning environment.


You as the instructor have to provide more time setting the foundation for the online course. This will help in the overall success of the student. I must remember to be patient and take my time in the transition to online learning.


I have learned that it is worth taking my and consider the structure of the course as well as the content. It is important to look at the delivery of the material through the eyes of the student and be able to adapt this learning to a digital state.


As I have read through the discussion thread, I agree there is a a need to strengthen the digital divide and ensure the seamless delivery of material through the CMS via technology.

I also feel the need to chunk the material more and break it down into smaller learning bites.… >>>

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