Glenn Alt

Glenn Alt

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What I have learned in this module is that communication is key to the students success, if you do not communicate something in a manner where everyone can understand than you may be setting the students up for failure. A lot of time we need to ask the students if they understood the direction, because if not then maybe we (the instructors) will need to find a different way of explaining what needs to be addressed.

What I learned is that as an instructor you have to adapted to what the students use to their adavtage that will help them become successful, times have changed and the way that we learned 10 years ago is very different than how some learn in this day and age. we have to use all this new technology to our advantage. 

There are many ways to approach improving, it can be as simple as asking a collage if they can proof read something. You can give ask them "what can I do to make this better?" Feed back is the key to becoming successful and improving in all aspects of life. 

I learned that feedback is a key part in learning, how can you improve if you don't know what you could have done better. I feel like this can apply to instructors as well, although students look up to us for the feedback I feel like we should look up to the students as well so that we too can become better at what we do.

I learned what scaffolding is, before reading this module I have never heard of the term scaffolding. I feel that this is what will make a difference in teaching, most of the time students will always ask, "when will I actually use this in my field that I plan on going into"? If you are able to relate to the topic you maybe be able to give an example of when you had to use the material that you are discussing, and by doing this you will then have the students interested and engaged in the topic. 

There was a lot that I have learned in this module, but the two things that I have learned in the module that I did not know was, modality effect and instructional scaffolding. The way that I can use both of these things that I have learn in this module is, when I am developing a course framework I not only need to be consistent but as well I need to take into consideration that there will be students from all different backgrounds reading this material, I will need to put myself in the students shoes and ask myself if… >>>

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