Gabriel Garcia

Gabriel Garcia

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When reqources are filed appropriately, they can be used from year to year.

Many students require feedback.

Constant and repetitive feedback is important in an online setting. Many students require acknowledgement of their efforts.

Time management, discipline and goal setiing is important to workload management.

Once procedures for handling emails, submitted work and lesson plans are put in place, the process become much easier and less time consuming.

Many students need the  additional supoort that online courses provide. 24 hour technical support and access to course material allow flexibility.Teachers can send messages to students at a scheduled time of the day and students can respond to the messages at their leisure.

Research has shown that Generation X students prefer texting to phone calls. Asynchrounous communication allows students to gather their thoughts and organize appropriate wording prior to responding. Online discussions allow students to gather a sense of other students tone and depth prior to responding.

Teachers should project to their students that the teachers have experience and expertice in the subject area. Many middle school strudents may not engage if they do not trust or like the instructor. The teacher must establish that they are approachable.

Students will not engage and learn if they do not trust or like you. Students should understand that the instructor has expertice and experience in the subject area. Teachers must give the impression they are approachable and perhaps relatable.

Student and instruction success depends on the efficacy of the CMS. Problems with technology frustrates both students and instrustors. Time is wasted figuring out work arounds, and waiting for systems to be fixed or return to online.

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