Racquel  Gabuya-Hogge

Racquel Gabuya-Hogge

About me


It's helpful; it gave an insight of the historical background of the Adult learning. I would also like to see new reference that supports the Adult learning in this high-technology era.

I notice a lot of online learning platforms offered by for-profit and non-profit university, that addresses the adult learners need for accelerated programs in completion new acquired knowledge/ skills. AIU is one of the universities that offer the student “Intellipath” platform that assesses student’s prior skills and knowledge.

As a rule of thumb, we want our students to create fresh unique ideas for their design project. However, unlike the copy text where you can use tool such “Turnitin” to review the originality of the student’s work, in the design side, I only see few tools that can help find a similarity of the graphic.
1. https://images.google.com/imghp?hl=en&gws_rd=ssl

2. http://tineye.com/

The Tineye is what I usually use in the past; however, it’s still a hit and missed process.

I agree. The copyright course is helpful. One content I wish it also deeply addressed how the Design School guides their student and faculty in appropriating image and protecting their own work.

Hi Don, I see that you have also completed one of the module this evening. I just want to stop by and wish you an advance Merry Christmas.;-)


Racquel Gabuya

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