Florita Robinson

Florita Robinson

About me

Hi, My name is Florita Robinson. I am currently a dental assistant instructor at Concorde Career Colleges Olrando, FL.  This is my 5th year as a dental assistant instructor; I spend 3 years teaching at a previous Career Institute. I enjoy teaching students, specifically the wide variety of ages I come across students ranging from 18 years to 45 years and up.

The maxknowledge courses are a great tool to help instructors better their teaching skills, giving them an understanding of the different learning styles of students, and how to best reach or approach them. Also, giving the intructor the opportunity to renew or add new goals and objectives to their yearly teaching plans, helps to keep them grounded or focused to do a good job teaching and guiding the students through their programs. 


As an instructor it is important to know that people learn differenf ways, and that multiple intelligences are what we will come across when we teach students.  I want to be able to reach all my students, and cater to their preferences of learning so they do well in class, graduate, and become productive members of society.  I believe that everyone can be taught, just in different ways.  My dental career courses and classes are put up that I will have a one on one contact with the student, know their learning preferences, and guide them with what they have learned through the process.  I see it… >>>

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Training..... I live by the standard, "One is never too old to learn" and "Practice makes perfect".... which applies to everything in life, being it learning to bake a cake, an academical course or technical skill,....The more you do it, the better you become at it, as you will learn from your mistakes or successes, and do it better and better... Would you agree that any method of learning, being it through lecturing, CEU'S (continuing education, on-line, etc adds to a person's formal learning. If so, can you share those?

If manipulation is meant in a positive way, for example the demonstration of a procedure in lab or manipulation of certain materials, then I use both manipulation as well as motivation to teach students.  Both methods I believe are of extreme importance for the student to succeed.  I use motivation in praising the student if they do well, giving them the opportunity to practice as much as possible; encouraging them in any way I can.  Manipulation I use by for example demonstrating the  use of certain materials or procedures.

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Those are good positive reinforcements to encourage students to keep on trying and doing their best.  I do the same.

Everything advances in life, so we can only keep up by adjusting to the types of advancements educational to students. I too go online sometimes if I find the DVDs to be out of date or to just find something new on the subject I'm instructing on.  What can you do otherwise, than to look for something better to show. I still believe that we should not fully do away with the old style of learning, but just add to it what is new.  Students then get the best of "both worlds" so to speak. 

The use of cell phones and texting in class is  distracting.  Technology has made it seem that we cannot live without.  It becomes a problem when the students feel the need to continuously have this type of tool in their hands - almost like it is attached to them or that they are born with it.  And it seems this type of technology is here to stay and probably will become even more advanced.  It is a good tool, but students need to understand when it is appropriate to put it aside.  I ask students to keep it away specifically… >>>


True, as instructors we are models managers and motivators to our students. 

I agree, motivation involves making the subjects interesting by finding different methods in transferring subjects to students.

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