Michael McGivern

Michael McGivern

About me


The learning that I received from my module was that all of the elements of a courseroom need to fit together to make a solid learning environment. The rubrics and course assessment materials are a vital part of this success



Christi, thanks and I do the same thing. They need to take their learnings and apply them in the real world Michael

@stallings : I agree but along with that, the platform needs to be user friendly so that all of the other elements (the instructor, the subject matter, the environment and the student) can communicate and learn at the highest levels



I believe that a course should be reviewed constantly and that feedback should be solicited from the students on their opinions of the course content, style of delivery and appropriateness for the class to allow the student to apply their learnings in the real world. Michael McGivern
I have found that students like to have detailed feedback and at times, it is necessary to return their papers using track changes and recommendations. I will add the rubric that identifies the areas in question as well. I also like to utilize a web link that is related to the respective material for that week. Michael McGivern
I have found that it is imperative that instructors ask open ended questions linked to the weekly discussions, their experiences and readings. I like to leave the student with a question to "dig deeper" on the topic at hand. I also like to ask multiple students the same question to spur conversation and learning between them Michael McGivern
I have found the best way to connect students in the course room is to have the course developed so that it provides students the opportunity to share their personal experiences and link them to the course concepts. This makes it easier for the student to learn as well as making it easier for the instructor to see if the respective students can apply their learnings. Michael McGivern

The learning that I received from my module was that all of the elements of a courseroom need to fit together to make a solid learning environment. The rubrics and course assessment materials are a vital part of this success



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