Sandi Field

Sandi Field

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When convereting from F2F to online, I need to consider the content/objectives then decide how to deliver it.  In some cases, I may just want to build a new course incorporating differenet resources geared toward online learning.

I need to make sure all communication is lear because it will be received exactly as stated. 

Also use different methods of communication and evaluations from the students to evalute the course.

Deciding whether your class will be asychronous, sycronous, or a hybrid fof both needs to be decided before the class begins.  Also, there are advantages and disadvantaes to both that need to be considered.

I've learned that I not only need to consider the type of teacher I am but I also need to assess the different tools  and their functions.  This will allow me to choose the appropriate tool.  I also will check to make sure the tool is effective and make changes as need.

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