Felicia  Rapach

Felicia Rapach

About me


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I work in the fiancail Aid department and get a lot of studnet emails about their left over funding on their accounts.In the subject line of their emails I write Financail Aid and I always tell them to set an appointment with me so that we can discuss their account in person. This allows me to better explain their accounts to them and also no information will be seen by someone else because anyone can hack into their email accounts. I like responding to them so that they know that I am aware of their concerns and setting an appoitnment… >>>

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With the April start approaching, the demands of a financial aid planner can become pretty stressful. When I am working on files, I like to look at the name of the person on the file and keep in mind their happiness of completing their degree and working towards their furture. This helps minimize the stress of a complicated file and makes me feel better about helping someone meet their goals in life.

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