Elizabeth Williams

Elizabeth Williams

Location: coral springs, florida

About me

I go by Liz and I have been with CSRIPS since 2013.  My background is actually almost 20 years in IT Consulting in one of the largest IT firms in the world.  


Yes, all information should be clearly stated however, there must also be conversations that have the student repeat their understanding of what has been reviewed.  The prospective student tends to be younger without the experience to ask questions to ensure they understand.

The deadlines for financial aid are extremely important as well as the attention to detail.

There is a lot of common sense in the content of the module.  

I learned about the structure and responsibilities of the governing board.

Posting the mission/responsibilty of the different boards is important to ensure the boards stay focused.

This has been enlightening.  It has reinforced what I need to do with our governing board and how to best utilize the members.

Data will provide justification for 'the ask' when it comes funding.  Data can also be manipulated any which way to support whatever it is you are pitching.  It's a sales ally.

In looking to expand our course offerings beyond our current industry, there is a lot to consider and avenues I hadn't considered.  This module gave me some good ideas on who to reach out to in order to do some due diligence.

I am one of those who couldn't understand why we needed a library if everything is online.  Now I am rethinking a small computer lab with some reference material.

This section made me think about student services a little differently and how it interacts with my compliance person.  I may restructure or org accordingly.

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