Emily Williams

Emily Williams

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Value will vary from student to student, do not assume that everyone's is the same.

Having The Right Mental Attitude allows for a person to be committed to themselves and their work everyday. You can improve your attitude by not complaining/venting, keeping a journal, and taking full responsibility for everything that occurs in our lives.

46% of new hires fail within the first 18 month of employment. 89% of that is because of poor attitude/personal energy. Having a good attitude and personal energy is nearly half the reason a new hire can be successful.

I have learned that having a positive attitude helps to ensure that I will be successful in my role. Additionally, a good attitude will positively impact the students and coworkers.

I have learned the importance of following up with students. A lead not ready to start right away is not a cancellation. They could very well be a future student.

Using Emotional Intelligence is important because it allows us to validate, normalize, and neutralize the prospective students concerns and negative feelings.

Asking both open-ended and closed-ended questions in the right manner can help me find out more information about my prospective student. Avoid using the word why though, because it can feel accusatory.

I have learned that out of 100 inquiries, only 12 will end up showing up for classes. This is why it is crucial to connect with every student and practice good communication skills.

The communication hierarchy is important. Small talk cannot begin without the ritual. Bonding can only be accomplished once mutual interest, opinions, and feelings are established.

Active listening is important when building a relationship with a prospective student. They should feel heard and welcomed when going through the admission process.

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