Eric  Seltenright

Eric Seltenright

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I found this section of ED-103 most interesting. I identified a problem I have faced from time to time. "Asking too broad of a question." is a real problem that a lot of instructors do repeatedly. I have found that it can lead to the entire class getting off topic and then it takes time to get back on topic. Also it seemed to  open an avenue for the jokers to put in funny answers or unconnected comments. Sometimes it produces complete silence as no one knows exactly what you are asking. I now ask myself is the question specific enough to… >>>

In ED206 I found great information on safety that is vital to the administration of the entire school. Following reasonable quidelines and documentiing your efforts in this area can be your best defense in the worst case scenario. Protecting the student and faculty must be a primary concern when utilizing competency based educational labs of all types. Our school has a campus wide safety committee that watchdogs all areas that have any potential for safety issues a well as universal guidelines.

A very good course for learning student motivations, stresses, and retention of materials. Especially interesting was the section on memory and transference. Having to repeat a procedure 45 times and/or for 30 consecutive days was an eye opening statement. In a skill based trade school this is must. This cannot be a rote memory exercise but a repeated reinforcement of a specific skill through scenarios of various types and situations to get the student to be able to access a memory and perform a task that was taught.  Understanding this will give a much better result in application after graduation into… >>>

Just stopping to take a breath at the peak of a stressfull situation can make it bearable. We have a new fingerprint timeclock at our school that was intended to eliminate paperwork. Instead it created a stressfull daily event for some. As I see a co-worker madly punching their code in I ask them if they are having problems with the new technology. The answer is usually - YES. I have asked them to stop, take a deep breath, think about the clock, and be one with the clock. Then they can proceed without anger and stress. Calmly press the… >>>

I wanted to pass on the most effective method I have used to counter the opportunities for cheating. When I prepare an exam for a weighted assignment or topic I always prepare a version "A" and "B". Students in close proximity get different tests and I have less wandering eyes. Students who have to "make up" an exam are given a "C" version so the exam does not get passed on from others. (version "C" is usually quite different but still on same materials covered) I hope this helps others to use this method to keep students honest.

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After entering the teaching field from a 30 year career i have had several on-line courses. The first in 2006 was on classroom management. It was really helpful early on and I got a lot out of it. Several other courses I felt were not relevant and hard to complete on-line. ED-101 was my first Max course and I loved it. It took me through all of what I thought I knew and added a salt and pepper flavor to use in future classes. The organizational aspect of each section lets you know that if you are not organized you lose a… >>>

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