Eric G Young

Eric G Young

Location: california; texas

About me

I am a litigation attorney in California and online legal studies instructor for the Center for Advanced Legal Studies in Houston, TX.


legal technology, legal writing, legal research


litigation, writing, research, communication


The frequent and continuous, timely feedback is crucial in the online learning environment


I struggle with not have F2F time with students, and I want to avoid email overload as a substitute. Zoom video conferences as "office hours" works, but I like to have the flexibility to be available as needed rather than setting up a specific time. I have found that creating a Slack channel for my courses is a great solution. It allows me to interact with students in real time in a way that emails do not, and it fosters interaction among students as well through the "general" channel. If you haven't used Slack for this purpose, or maybe do… >>>

My weakness is effectively managing my time so that I provide timely feedback. I need to develop better organization and discipline around this issue. I also need to establish more effective boundaries so that I am not overloaded by feeling like I have to be "online" all the time.


I am interested in hearing from others who teach, either online or in traditional setting, as a second gig. Specifically, how do you budget your time between your "day job" and your teaching job. I am a busy lawyer, and it is difficult to stay on top of what I need to manage for students, especially feedback and grading. All thoughts and comments are welcome.

Developing a workload schedule and sticking to it is important for successful online learning outcomes.


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