Elsa Mysllinj

Elsa Mysllinj

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It is important not to stereotype or discriminate people with disabilities. You can not assume what the disability is. Accommodation and respect is the key to treat these people equally. 

It was really interesting to learn about Universal Design and how to use it with the people with disability. 

Being disabled does not only mean physical disability. People with LD, ADHD or PTSD have a disability as well and they should be treated equally as the people with physical disability. 

It is important to implement accommodation for people with disability. They need the extra time and accommodation based on their disability. 

No one is perfect. We are all human beings and we can make mistakes. We need to learn from the mistakes we make. 

As an instructor you need to have clear expectations for their behaviors and how to be fair to everyone. 

It is challenging to work with these students but you have to keep them active and accountable for. 

It is important to set up due dates and late assignments. 

I learned how important it is to practice a procedure before the class starts. 

Introduce yourself and have the students do the same. A comfortable classroom is better for learning 

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