Esther Montoya

Esther Montoya

About me


I hope to teach online someday and think your suggestions are great. Keep them coming. I especially like the "word" and "quote of the day". I used to work in an ICU where the Nurse Educator whose office was located in the unit, would post a word on the white board, and staff had to guess or figure out the meaning and how it related to their ICU world. It was great and everyone looked forward to it.

I just finished it too. I found the course to be a good review also. I was hopiing to apply many of the concepts in my first class but it has been cancelled. I also provide frequent inservices to hospital staff and will remember to implement some of the things taught. I need to practice opening up with a bold statement that will catch their attention.

How do you support your fellow faculty and new instructors at your institution? I am finding institutions vary in the development of support for new faculty. I think once I get more experience, I will make an effort to extend my hand to new istructors and attempt to offer advice to ensure their success. This career is already challenging enough without the added stress of learning a new culture.

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