Benjamin Ellinger

Benjamin Ellinger

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Reply to Craig Stockwell's post: I think you don't want things too identical in presentation between courses. That will lock you in to that style too much (if you want to change it, you have to change it everywhere). Instead, make your personal style consistent, then make sure different instructors style's feel compatible, but not direst copies.

Creating a social environment for a team-based class is my biggest concern. Not sure what the best way to foster the bonds that make teams really work would be.

The advantages of asynchronous delivery are clear, but doesn't this usually result in poor engagement and low outcomes? What do studies show about this? I can think of ways to keep students engaged, but it seems like this is the hardest part and I don't know how successful others have been at it.

"Use the right technology for the job" seems a bit obvious, but outlining some different teaching styles was useful. I'd like to see a lot more detail about different styles and data on effectiveness of those styles in different situations.

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