Elizabeth Thompson

Elizabeth Thompson

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We continue to enhance our online courses with whatever is new.

Open communciation is the best way to retain students, but also make them feel part of the process.

I am the Director of General Education.  On a weekly basis, I contact the students who have had a bad week of grades. My instructors do as well.  We are always asking what we can do to help.  We have been more flexible because of covid, but as online classes, we try to work on the skills they need to succeed.

Before printing anything, it is good to have several eyes on the material to ensure it  follows the rules and regulations that are current.

As the on line program director, I model the way I wish the instructors to be with their students.


I use rubrics in my English class for writing, but not for my lifespan class.  Not all classes can use a rubric successfully

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