Eliezer Brodt

Eliezer Brodt

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Its best to use a few different way to evaluate assesments.

I also found this line vaulable

Never forget that students are more than just the product in your course; they are also consumers. 

 I learned about the signifigance of Rubrics for both students and the teacher.

First to make sure to keep on top of the studnets that they stay on the topic of the course.

But the best line I read in past few seesions which helps me focus on the students needs:

"students need to focus on learning with the technology rather than learning from the technology."

 I learned that some of the concern is for the students to make it as easy for them as possible to learn the most amoutn of information. But its also important to follow these methods for the teacher as it will make it easier for him in future courses (for example storing materials properly).

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