Elliot Harris

Elliot Harris

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Synchronous on-line learning can occur constructively.  In this environment it is important to allow time for small talk at the beginning of a session (and potentially during as wel, depending on how teh course is structured). This builds trust between the students and the instructor that helps to facilitate more interaction and a better learning experience.  One word of caution for synchronous on-line environments: it is easy to forget that there is a group, so be careful to handle any potential criticism or ranking/grading of students' material individually. A seperate individual email or one-on-one synchronous session may be necessary for… >>>

Discussion Comment

I would think video clips are A great way, but a lot would depend on the material delivered and the quality of the clip. For example, a video clip of me talking about my great credentials may be understandably off-putting to some. A bio written in the third person may be the better technique here. There may also be times a pdf with a diagram or a short blurb may be more appropriate - I have no hard ideas to guide one's decision making on when to use which aside from a "use your best judgement" kind of statement.  I'd… >>>

In facilitating student engagement with, and comfort and truct in, the instructor; it is critical that an instructor do at least three things: create and bost a short bio that highlights the instructors professional education, experience, and achievements in the relevant field; engage the group as a whole with relevant material that meets the group at their level; and to the entent possible, engage with each student individually to help ensure they feel comfortable and are getting what they need out of the course.

How do other instructors encourage and manage discussion groups to help ensure that even natural introverts, or students with busy schedules, take the time to participate in the group and provide, at least occasional, thoughtful input to the discussion?

E-Learning/asynchronous environments can provide some unique learning opportuinities if the instructor properly prepares, sets the tone for an environment in which students can participate constructively, stays engaged, and ensures the technical aspects of the system are functioning properly and easy to use.

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