Estefania Guzman

Estefania Guzman

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It is important to maintain the integrity of the institution. Ethics standards are important and should be met at all times. 

I learned the importance to adhering to state regulations and how these varies by location. As well as the integrity of marketing. 

It is extremely crucial to provide the most accurate and correct information to the potential students. Giving students false hope or incorrect information about employment can be detrimental. 

I learned a great deal in this section. It is important to understand the penalties surrounding student contact and the importance of all the rules an regulations.

How important it is to be compliant for the institution. 

Delivering the right information is important when guiding students and not making any guarantees. 

I've learned to always be transparent and adhere to compliance.

I've learned from this module the importance of accurately presenting the information to prospective students and adhering to the guidelines established by the CIE.

Make sure that I have an organized and up-to-date resource notebook. 

I learned the importance of understanding the different student services and the methods of advertising. 

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