Luanne Sposato

Luanne Sposato

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Blog Comment

I agree it is great for those early in their teaching/instructing of adults career but not only them.  Even seasoned instructors, I think, will take away some good out of this course, sometimes going back to basics is refreshing and enlightening.

So I would recommend it to any instructor, and I will.

We have a good mix of younger and more mature adults in our school.  We are in area that most of the mature adults are juggling family, job and school.  The younger students mostly all have jobs too to assist them with tuition, gas, rent, and electronic devices bills.

The school has a strict attendance policy and if students waiver they get reminded right away to keep school the priority; obviously unless it is a true emergency.  Planning ahead is key to keeping up with all of life, especially during these busy years of higher education.

Keeping their eye on… >>>

I liked this useful course too.  I found some excellent proactive techniques to begin using in the classroom.  I have a slight tendency to lean toward controller at times because each class I teach is 1 hour only.  Mostly I find myself being a Guide but I can be even better instructor now.  I feel I am never too old or set in my ways to learn or try something new.


Specifically Step 3: Proactive Techniques work well for me. I move around the front of the room and I can barely talk without using gestures & vocal inflections! This course helped me to move around the classroom into the ranks of the tables & desks which I thought would intimidate students but they are receptive! I try to always greet the students coming into class, it makes them feel a little special to be acknowledged in a polite manner, no matter their age. I've learned that proactive techniques really do preventing problems.

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