Tomacia Johnson

Tomacia Johnson

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Need multiple ways of evaluating and timely and positive feedback


Feedback is something that is needed and it must be timely in order for it to be effective


building on students present knowledge is important

I need to ensure my courses are user-friendly and is a buildable road map


Ensuring everything is consistent in the online course is something extremely important. I have taken online college classes and found it difficult to follow what the professor wanted.  I appeared they were disorganized.


continue to keep communications lines open and encourage questions if needed.


Utilizing synchronous works best with one student and to clarify.  I had no idea of that prior to this course


I like the idea of an online short biography of myself and for the students.  I will definitely help build rapport and relationships.


I did not realize there were so many things as an instructor that I will need to learn to do in order to have a successful online course. 

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