Doug Wales

Doug Wales

About me


This 4 module training seminar ED107 was important to me, because it is so easy just to teach  the course materials, and forget that our involvement with the students can have an everlasting impact on their "learning and retention."  I needed to be reminded that I have the responsibility to help my students enjoy learning and become excited about personal growth and development.  My attitude plays a significant role in the behavior of my students in the classroom, and beyond.  I have a very important calling, to help educate the next generation of "leaders and learners" within our society.  The… >>>

I also enjoyed the information about the Pygmalion Effect.  I believe that educators provide the self fulfilling prophesy with our students.  If we don't expect much from our students, little will be given.  However, we should have great expectations from our students, and they will rise to the occasion and make us proud.

I thought the ideas of "color," and "music" having an influence on learning and retention are interesting ideas.  I will need to try this in my classes.

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