Deborah Tschopp

Deborah Tschopp

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When teaching I try to do lecture and have hands on to demonstrate what real life experience its done. I also include stories about real life experience for a complete understanding of content. when students have questions I involve the entire class to see if any students have answers by stating in real life there are different circumstances that could involve much more but knowing concepts and how to apply them helps.

I've learned to have discussions about content and encourage students participation. Have course organized and all tools available for use to apply a real world experience in the classroom. Prompting students to ask questions and encouraging classroom discussion.

Working with students their are many different types and adapting to each type and figuring out how to help and encourage them is the rewarding part for me. My last class I was there cheer leader and encouraged them by telling them the finish line is around the corner few more weeks. The school closed abruptly and I still encouraged them to pursue their dreams not to stop keep going apply to new schools. Many students felt defeated until the encouragement from staff to continue helped them to focus on the future not to dwell on the past.

Your first impression is the start make or break time. When your students enter the room address them by name and say hello how are you today. When students have questions answer them as best as you can and follow up if you discover more information. Students will follow your lead when they're aware of your investment in them.

Customer service is present in all fields where you are in contact with people. Dealing with people and having a pleasant attitude to help and encourage people to go after their dreams is great.

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