David Mokrejs

David MokrejsCHEP

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 I would suggest taking Erasmus' name off the list of critical thinkers and inserting the champion critical thinker of that century - Martin Luther.

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One thing that is hard, for me as a boomer, to understand is why students so quickly embrace the "me now" mentallity. As a boomer I was promptly reprimanded by my parents for being disrespectful and self-centered if I acted in the fashion our students do today. I can really see this in the students' urgency to get their test results.

I remember my first try at post secondary education. It was at a local college with poor parking. I can remember being frustrated with a lot of things at this school but the one that finally broke the camel's back was the parking. I ended up quitting because of parking; of all things. It's funny how you bring parking up in this course. We, as instructors, have quite a challenge on our hands to try and get to the bottom of student frustrations. In this course you talk about frustrations due to limitations. I've found one way to help reduce… >>>

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