Danilo Meza

Danilo Meza

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I see in this section very important points in quality teaching even for traditional method. Engaging students. Targeted feedback. Guiding students pryects and presentations. Active discussions in group. Assesment of learned material. All of this are great tools in active learning teaching.

In this section I have learned that explaining students their role in active learning is critical. Also they should understand the advantages of this teaching phylosophy.  Second, the teaching institution should be able to provide the instructor with all the necesary tool for this type of teaching. Most institutions only provide power points material for clasical presentation and lecture. The instructor can be in a frustrating situation without the needed resources even thought you are looking forward to do more dynamic teaching. 

Active learning is letting the students to be teachers for themselves in a way. You the instructor will be as a student that guide and listen to students with active interaction as part of the group.

I noticed there is a section EL 104 Teaching and organazing a virtual learning environment. I believe this is the next phase in this active learning process we are taking. I want to learn more on the implementing of this virtual environment.  

I believe active learning is a much more efficient method of teaching, and with more retention of material and interest in the subject from the student point of view. Would be helpful to have a syllabus with dynamic activities included for the different subject to be learned by students. 

The concept of active learning. Dynamic interactive classroom and having students to be collaborators in the teaching not only listeners. The sage lecturer mentality is not that functional anymore.

I agree 100 % with a more dynamic method of teaching like active learning process. The tradional teacher lecturing an passive student just taking notes is not that great for retention and long term learning. Concepts difficult to understand should be presented to the students in an easy way so they can process mentality the hardcore concept and then expand their knowledge with a solid base. Implementing more dynamic activities in a curriculum can be a great help for any instructor to implement. 


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