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This lesson reiterated the importance of critical thinking skills period wow, critical thinking is Paramount in growing an education too often students feel unprepared for such activities period I want to create a classroom environment in which the students ability to critical think is paramount.

With my experience at online education, I have very rarely proposed group activities. This lesson helped show the importance of using group activities and has pushed me into considering to do it more often.

I've learned more about the presupposition of students to consider online class to be a correspondent course. As an online instructor, I need to ensure that they have become active participants in their own learning, so that what they learn in my class can be applicable to their future careers.

I have learned the importance of being more of a guide on the side as opposed to a stage on the stage. This lesson really discussed the concept of how important it is to create a learning atmosphere where the students feel involved. I want to ensure that any class I teach can follow this mindset.

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