Diane Gancorz

Diane Gancorz

About me


I think this would be a difficult task knowing that many of my students go on the computer when others are sleeping. They do not have schedules that line up. 

I also like to bring the discussion that is done online into the classroom. I generally ask if they have any personal experiences they would like to share. 

I personally like the game side of teaching. It becomes a competition of quick thinking and also involves critical thinking on the students part. It is essential to be knowledgable regarding book smart and street smart. They should be taught together. We need to educate our students on the values of both education and critical thinking. 

I think it is very important for people to use their time wisely. It not only saves time and energy on a project but it helps to keep you emotionally stable. When people run behind on the things that are time sensitive then they tend to get stressed. When they get stressed they may not work as efficiently and then the end product may suffer. Morale: work efficiently and maintaina set time limit for the task at hand.

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