Dena Brown

Dena Brown

Location: charlotte, nc

About me

I'm an adjunct English/Humanities Instructor at ECPI University Charlotte. 


I like the idea of using unifying backgrounds to group things thematically.

If we're not organized and prepared, it's hypocritical to expect those qualities from students. We lead by example.

Students love to know how a skill will be of value to them; understanding why they need to learn something makes them more receptive to it.

Establishing respectful treatment of one another on the first day is helpful,, especially reminding all students that it's more important to berespectful when you disagree with someone than when you agree. I find that my students, veteran and civilian, are more open after being assured respectful reception.

Some veterans are comfortable with the challenges they face; I've had students who bring their ptsd dogs to class, and I've had others whoo shut down when something gets difficult. The most important thing with veterans (and all students) is to treat every individual as just that--an individual.


I have a lot of students who are veterans, many of whom are non-traditional students. I hope that gaining a better understanding of the challenges our veterans face helps me become a better instructor for veterans and all students.


Students respond to instructors' levels of enthusiasm and engagement with the subject. If students can't easily see that you care about what you're teaching, it's almost impossible to get them to care, especially in a required course that students typically hate.

I find that incorporating social media in a lesson helps students stay engaged. 

I'm always available to listen to my students and encourage them. When a student is facing challenges and feels isolated, knowing that someone is in his or her corner can make a world of difference.

I encourage students to use WellConnect to help with any issues they may be having, and I remind them that it's not a free service; it's a service they're paying for whether they use it or not.


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