David McCreight

David McCreight

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I like the collective collaboration used in active learning. This course once again reinstates the different methods of creating an active learning environment.




I like the idea of creating more time and pausing in between questions thus giving more time to formulate a response. I do tend to Float, make eye contact and talk with my hands.  Gestures I feel are very important.

Make sure to have a clear policy about make-up test and the deductions if tests or homework assignments are late. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.

I like to have a plan B and flexible time to cover each topic as needed. Every class is different and this method provides a great templet and a flexible teaching format.


The 10-20-30 rule stood out to me. I also enjoyed the hands on learning which I think is critical for and trade program to integrate to assure students success.

I think preparing yourself is the most important topic before attempting to prepare the students. Having a great game plan and always being in control of the class gives structure and what is expected during class lectures.

Having years of teaching, I think I get over excited to teach at times. I like the idea of slowing down although I often go back to see if there are questions and that students are understanding the topics.

It is enlightening that we have a resource to deal with some of the most volatile of situations and that it is understood that some students may cause issues for the learning of the entire class. I also enjoyed the topic of cheaters in the class. It certainly isn’t fair to other students and I love the ways which it should be handled.  

I really enjoyed the insight on the problem students most of us face in our careers. It sheds light on how to deal with and defuse many of the obstacles we face as instructors and how to remedy the situation. Considering, that every teacher will have many of these students throughout the years of teaching, I think this was most beneficial to read.

I enjoyed the solid outlines and the late assignment policies the best overall. The presentation also capitalized on the different methods of why the adult student are in the program. I am loving the expectations part as well. I think this is a great approach to breaking the ice and assuring students understand and follow policies.


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