Danny Pumpelly

Danny Pumpelly

About me


Good question Paige! Laudry listing an ad is including a list all programs (or program fields for brevity) offered on your ad. This alows you to highlight all of your curriculum offerings on one ad. The benefit of laudry listing is that you don't need to wait until a curriculum is rotated into the schedule to allow for advertising of that program. A potential drawback to laundry listing is that you will not be highlighting any one program, so respondents will call based on their interests, and not necessarily by the program you want to push.
When considering radio placement, do you typically look to what other educational institutions in your market are doing with radio, or do you judge the use of radio on a case-by-case basis for your particular school? Please explain your position.
How have you dealt with preempts when you come across them in placing TV advertising?
When you plan your creative executions, how often do you change your creative message, and what results has it shown you when you do change it?
How have you gone about researching and seeking out new stations and publications to add to your market book information?

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