Dana Oravec

Dana Oravec

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Differences between synchronous and asynchronous discussions. That student participation and interactions is very beneficial for the students.  

It is important not only for the instructor but also for the students to get to know each other. 

Even though instructors use different delivery methods for teaching it is important to reach the same goals. 

That when a applicant is applying to college you shouldn't let their disability keep them from being accepted into the program. 

As an instructor is important when providing accomondations that is an access not a success. 

I have learned the different types of disabilities. 

Being prepared for your class is very important- not only for you as an instructor but also the students. 

Very informative when it came to the different strategies to deal with a challenging student/students. 

very informative about teaching with students who have different learning types


The importance of stating the late/missed assignment rule in the syllabus. 

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