Cassidy Stone

Cassidy Stone

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It is always a good idea to get a second pair of eyes to look over posts and any content that gets posted online or put out for others to see. You always want to make sure you do not say the wrong things and you want to promote your classes trying to keep them straightforward. You want to get your point accross without any conflict. Keeping tp the required guidelines for your school and making sure you have the correct information during not only enrollments, but just in general. 

A large part of enrollment at our school is letting the students know what it is their money is going towards. We ensure that they understand all that is offered and all that could be gained at the completion of either a diploma program or a single threaded class. The more helpful information you can provide to a student the more likely they will be to come back once they have done all their research. That's why they come to us for help so we can narrow down their search for a career seeking job using our training. 


This session came very fluent for me especially about Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - Our school uses this all the time. We make sure we protect students and uphold their right to privacy even if they dont even realize we do. 

You should always have proper communication with students and have a good understanding of the position you have taken on. You never want to be misleading to students about your school always be honest upfront and alwasy be willing to give the best feedback possible. Whether they recieve that feedback and do something with it is up to that individual. This will build your skills as well. 


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