Anne Fox

Anne Fox

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The students in today's classrooms are part of the "entitlement" generation.  They see no need to read in order to learn when they can simply "Goggle" for the answer. There is no understanding of the answer, just that they got it.  Learning is comprised of seeking, finding, understanding and application to one's everyday life.  I find the majority of students have no desire to do the work, they just want to get by with the minimum of effort.  They have little use for anything that isn't online, instantaneous or found with an app.  I wonder what the generation after this one… >>>

although the study does provide some interesting information, I wonder if the study was done in schools where the students have different teachers for different subjects.  Most public schools operate in this fashion so wouldn't it be difficult to determine the overall scores for this type of student.

walking the classroom also show the students that the interest created by the instructor is further implemented with the individual attention given to the various students. 

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