Charmaine Arellano Taguiam

Charmaine Arellano Taguiam

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What I have learned from this lesson is that always make reflection and review a part of the course evaluation as an educator and facilitator.  And, to get the input you need to make ongoing adjustments that improve your online course and complete the loop, you will need a variety of tools from your diverse stakeholders. 

What I have learned from this lesson is that effective planning for evaluation is crucial when creating an online course. Rubrics give students detailed instructions for homework and projects. Students gain skills through self- and peer assessment in analyzing both their own and others' work as well as in offering constructive criticism.  Feedback must be given to students during any assessment type (formative, summative, self, or peer) in order to enhance learning. 

What I have learned from this lesson are - the students can get a thorough overview of the course through the syllabus.
These offer spaces for students to build relationships with others and collaborate on projects or tasks in an online learning community. Also, there should be clear rules for using the different communication tools. Lastly, as students construct their learning scaffolding, effective communication can reveal when they are deceiving one another and themselves. 

What I have learned in this lesson is to keep in mind when designing the course module that the text formatting, navigation, shapes, and colors must match those of other modules. Students will become accustomed to an environment created by a similar course module design and content creation that results in roughly the same time on task.

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