Octave Van De Walle

Octave Van De Walle

About me


Where I teach, electronic gradebooks are used, with automatic entry of scores from tests, and other objective evaluations. The instructors enter grading from subjective evaluations such as discussion questions. However, one must be careful when using electronic gradebooks, as they can become corrupted, or out-of-adjustment. Check the matrix early in the class to see if all the percentages match the syllabus, and inform your tech team if there are any differences.


Reading non-verbal cues from students is very important to determine if your communication isn't clear. Ask for feedback often to make sure they understand.


Good basic advice for using various presentation techniques.


Coming to class organized and ready to teach. Also, being aware of non-verbal cues coming from the students. This will help assess which students are confused with, or uncertain of, the subject matter.


I like to start a course by telling my students that I am there to assist in their training, and my desire is that what I contribute will help them in their careers.  I also tell them that I hope to learn something from them. Without question, my teaching techniques have developed from insights that were learned from students, and I want them to know that their imput is as important as mine.


Reply to David Wilson's post:That is a tricky situation because it seems like one is doing all the work, or they are collaborating on assignments and exams. If each was given a different exam or project, it may discourage the one-doing-all-the-work scenario by forcing the one to take two separate exams or projects. Hopefully, this will discourage the one doing it for the other, considering the amount of time and effort needed to take another different exam or project. Hopefully, you can force each of them to do his/her own work.

A good way to communicate with an angry student is to employ an effective customer service technique: actively listen, and allow them to vent without interruption. When the student sighs, i.e. demonstrates that he/she cannot think of anything else to say, and is ending the tirade, then empathize with the student by saying something like, "If that happened to me, I would feel the same way! Let's see if we can come to a solution." This will let the student know that you are willing to help, rather than to engage in conflict. This should help the student be more… >>>

Walking around the class while lecturing is a good way to keep the students from sneaking peeks at their phones, or distracting themselves with other things. It also allows the teacher to quietly make encouraging remarks to show his concern/care for those students he suspects are not engaged.


This first module concerns giving the class an idea how the course information will benefit them in thier careers, as well as explaining  to the students the format of the class, the subjects and skills being taught, the grading of exams and assignment deadlines. This will allow the students to not only know what the requirements of the class are, but to develop an"expectation" of what their progress could be.

The idea of the social aspect of education, i.e. teamwork projects and ice-breaker activities is also discussed, with the purpose of reducing the initial anxiety of being around "strangers", as… >>>

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