Austin Scott

Austin Scott

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This is great. It fortifies what we already know.

It’s important to get multiple evaluations for the course you to teach to make sure the students stay engaged and are learning


Meaningful feedback for culinary that is connected to learning objectives is key for the student to grow. A specific detailed criutique is an appropriate way to give students information to help them increase their knowledge and/or skills. Such as in baking quick breads, Whats right, whats wrong & how to fix it.

Maintaining an LBO database saves time becuse the course developer can quickly find, sort, locate, and upload content to use in multiple courses

Make sure you plans have a rhyme to the reason. Your district or someone else may have valuable options to bolster you online teaching. Don’t feel you have to do everything yourself.

It’s important to understand institution's policies pertaining tp online conduct. Encourage students to partake in chats or discussion questions. Be careful not to give students a large workload.


The critical key of online learning is getting feedback from students about the class. That way you can keep the class engaged by tweaking it to their needs, wants or likes. 


Project a confident presence through personal gestures such as explaining your background. That in conjunction with a good rapport with students will help build you up as a positive authoritative figure in the online classroom.  

We must start out with the goals of the class and the manner in which the course is constructed. All course components must flow and be easy to find. Online teaching should have several instructional strategies (such as media, presentation, tests, quizzes and so on), so everyone has the opportunity to learn. Assignments and due dates must be clear and assessment measure should be fair and graded on time. It is also integral that an online teacher use some sort of calendar so students and parents are aware of deadlines.

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