Peter Mitchell

Peter Mitchell

About me


I agree that engaging online learners is an important aspect of our job of teaching.  In the process of engaging we are also helping students to achieve their own “self-management”.  Too often students do not anticipate how to manage their time. Their studies often take the smallest portion of their day.   They justify why they do so and it is best to share with them how you manage your own day.  Too often they feel alone in their struggle to find the time. 


At First I rebelled against using a rubric.  I felt that it was just another time killer.  But I have come to realize that once set, the rubric can be used over the span of several semesters.  It has made my job of grading less time consuming and has allowed me to spend grading time building relationships with my students. 


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I feel that communicating via email can be very individualistic when communicating with students.  Giving each student their own message makes them feel better intouch with the instructor.  The only way better that I have found would be to send a text or even a phone call. 

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Even though I teach time management ED 110 taught me a few more simple tricks to use personally and in the classroom.  Thank you.

Really a great learning experience.  I look forward to the next class.  I have already used several tatics that I have learned in my online classes.  Thank you very much.


I have found that teaching online is more difficult to get to know the background of a student than face to face instruction. It normally takes at least 3 weeks or six classes for me to really get to know my adult learners. Adult learners seem more shy at giving personal information that do the traditional or face to face learners.

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