Charlene Worm

Charlene Worm

Location: pueblo, co.


camping, hiking, swimming, writing and learning and supporting others through encouragement.


licensed practical nurse for over 20 years.


Critical thinking is necessary for education and career development  

Critical thinking is essential for a personal and career decisions. It is important to utilize critical thinking skills throughout school, career and life, for the best possible outcome.   

model by my own behavior what I expect in class. Manage by example of my time in lecture and answering questions so students learn skills to help them in their career path. Motivate with classroom progress and goals that have been achieved/  

Asynchronous engage content at different time and locations. Synchronous class in in session at same time with instructor and other leaners and the smaller the discussion size the better communication is not misdirected. 

I have learned that there are several different learning techniques that an instructor can use and for the student to learn from. Understanding the different communication needs are important key to success.

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