Chana Prero

Chana Prero

About me


@KathyPFarrisI like this idea of a weekly checklist of assignments due. I will suggest that our teachers implement it in their courses.

@Sugar Can you list some of you time management tips?

Discussion Comment

@kellywilkinson We are an exclusively online college and our Instructors upload videos of lectures on to our LMS. Is there a resource that has youtube videos on educational topics that we can trust and use to supplement our videos?


What suggestions do you have for creating a positive campus culture in an exclusively online college? We have poor retention and are trying to determine how we can improve retention.

What suggestions do you have for creating a positive campus culture in an exclusively online college? We have poor retention and are trying to determine how we can improve retention.

What is proprietary education?

How does marketing experience help admissions directors?

Could someone explain these two aspects to me? I did not fully understand them 1. Does the 90/10% Rule mean that students must pay for 10% of their degree out of their own pocket? 2. How is a credit balance created? Why would a student agree to let the school create a credit balance? Wouldn't every student want a full refund of his or her money? Thank you!

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