Camelia Estrada

Camelia Estrada

No additional information available.


Social Media guidelines and regulations.

Compliance is crucial.

Advertising compliance. Enrollment Agreement terms knowledge.

 Provide accurate information, never assume or guess. Integrity.

Importance of credits transfers policies to address it correctly to the student.  

Marketing is crucial for Admissions as well as Student Services. 

Organization is essential for Admissions. The checklist is a huge helper.  All paperwork must be discussed in detail with the student to make sure that the student does understands it.  Never rush it. 

Hello everyone! Excited about this opportunity to be working towards changing lives. This module is extremely helpful. Knowing and learning all policies and verbiage is extremely important for me, to represent accordingly, the school I have given the opportunity to work for. The ultimate goal is to change lives and to due so, by abiding to all policies. Thank you. 

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