cesar sandoval

cesar sandoval

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In this topic I learned that even is you don't agree with the evaluation you can appeal it. Of course with a good attitude tell them thank you for your visit.

In this topic I learned what the does and don't of an interview are. It is important to answer all the questions and do not lie.

It is important to be prepared and for you to be nice to any visitor. Most visits will come unannounced and they expect everything to be on track.

A facility should always be ready for an on-site visit. They will be reviewing institutional polecies and prosedures.

In this topic I have learned that you have to keep records of students attendanice and grades. Also what complains students will have and how to address them.

In this topic I have learned about the school policies and requirements like when to give refunds and when not to. Also about abcenses and what happens if the student misses days.

In this topic I have learned what it takes for you to turn in the application process what to do and what not to do before turning it in. 

After reading about this topic, I have learned what it takes for a school to be compliant. Also that there a lot of rules and regulations for the director and the instructor.

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