Christie Dudley

Christie Dudley

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Blog Comment

i really appreciate the suggestion to use "I" rather than "you"; "YOU" becomes intimidating and a feeling of being "picked upon" and singled out rather than being having a guidance conversation. "I" allows the student/listener to think about what the instuctor can do to help student/listener.


When i selected this topic to study-Diverse Learner-I was surpirsed and diapointed it focused/centered on the disabled. i was thinking/hoping the course of study was going to focus on different/divrse manners of teaching!

Discussion Comment

@tdennis212 :1. the intensity/self-discipline/time of the independent work involved in their program 2. the definition of the degree/certificate they earn upon completion 3. the various accreditations their school of choice has been approved for 4. the dress code is a REAL issue 5. the cost and schedule expected to include the holiday schedule

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