Cherise Brooks

Cherise Brooks

About me


As I continue my teaching career, I am finding it easier to reach my virtual students than my ground students.  It is as if my ground students are disengaged.  I am taking into account that everyone learns differently, and trying to find ways to capture the attention of these different learning styles.  But at the end of the day, I feel as if I am falling short, and I am failing my students.  Therefore, I am considering adding social media as component for these classes, and EL110 adds validity to my decision. 

Discussion Comment

@RMurillomiamiculinarycom : I thought the course was very useful and it reinforced learning tools that I keep in mind regularly.

Discussion Comment
During this quarter, my students have two weeks to complete a module. I find that this time frame does not work for me. My students do not submit their work until the end of the two weeks. Therefore, I feel like I am always behind the eight ball when it comes to responding to them. I also believe that this abundance of time effects the learning process.

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