Ricardo Castillo

Ricardo Castillo

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Thinking outside the box sometimes is helpful

Trying to be creative and fun can be a great way of connecting with students to gain their trust and built a relationship with them as a mentor and counselor in their prospective trade. 

Speaking from live experience helps engage students because when saying a story is a different tone of voice rather than reading out of a book. It doesn't sound so boring and when speaking up front to the class you have eye contact with them, it catches their attention a lot more and is a easier way of explaining content from a material rather than reading it out of a book. 

Everyone being a different type of learning, we as instructors have to make sure we hit all points a individual can learn. We say it out loud, have them following along through text book, draw it on the white board, and have them work on it kinesthetic. 

Being available to the students and answering them with questions they have, or even just as simple as acknowledging them in the hall way will show them you are willing to put the work for them and guide them to a better life. Advising students is a major part of what instructors need to do in order to provide the best opportunities to students future. 

Being more of an active listening shows the students that you are willing to take the time to hear them out. Show them that you are interested in what they have to say. Allow them to finish, and provide them with input. 

Students are people who are wanting to better their lives. Not someone attempting to purchase something and be treated as a customer of some sort. They are attending a school to gain knowledge and use it to their best ability. We as instructors are here to guide them and teach them, not treat them like a random person passing by. 

We need to understand that not all minds work the same. Some people need a little more time to comprehend the material. It falls on instructors to plan out a system that works for everyone to understand the assignments. Something as simple as a group activity or a fun game can be an easy way of teaching. Having everyone stand up and move around interacting with one another could be useful techniques as a learner as well as a teacher. 

I've learn how to reach out to a student who is having a difficult time in their persoanl life. I learn how to understand them and listen to them and assure them that I will be here for them to listen and give advise if they need someone to talk to. 


being open with real live stories and honest about the real life. Let them know that life isn't always going to be a pretty picture, they are going to have to earn it, nothing is going to be handed to them. Keep them motivated and enggaed with class activities. Let them know that we as instructors will always be here for them even after graduation. 


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