casey proano

casey proano

About me

Hey, y'all! I'm a tooth loving dental assistant originating from sweet Caroline. I married my "lobster" in July of 2013, and we raised the bet in April of 2019 with our sparkly little girl, Savvy Rose. I have two furry children, whose feelings would be severely hurt if I didn't mention them, Kota the dog and Pita, the cat. I love crappy TV shows, people watching, wine, and Singing. 

I am learning to lead and direct a team of magnificent dental instructors. I'm a little OCD and want to continue perfecting those skills which are "unperfectionable." If you are thinking that is not a word, you would be correct. 


I love the idea of pretesting. I have done something similiar in the past and it does help give direction for instrcuting the class. 


I really loved the analogy comparing the classroom to an orchestra. What an amazing way to describe it. That is exactly what it is. I gained a lot of perspective about what type of instructor I am, how to observe and direct the different types of students in attendance, and really make my classroom sing. 


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