Carmencita Pagano

Carmencita Pagano

About me

I'm in a PhD program right now... Studying Advanced Human Behavior.  I'm teaching Professinal Development at a Career College.  I also teach spanish at a two year college.


I'm always looking for way to improve my abilities to intereact with my students in a way that will help them grown from their learning experiences.



I loved this course.. It helped me to see that it's okay to step out of the Teachers Resource and apply techniques that meet the different challenges my students may have.


I learned so much. Thank you

Discussion Comment
I've never used games to improve learning objectives and materials. This is a first, I've certainly heard of other instructors using it. I think I'm going to experiment with it. Very interesting. Carmen Pagano

I enjoyed this course.  It help me to understand the use of evaluation sheets and how it can help me as an instructor learn what I need to improve on to help my students understand their material.


I will utilize this material in my next setion of classes.

When I develop an evaluation sheet for my students. This allows me the opportunity to see if my students understand the content of what I'm teaching. It's a bit of a grading system on my deliverance of the material. My goal is to always make sure my student both understand and comprehend the material. This so that they can use it in their everyday life or work setting. Very good information... carmen p
THIS WAS FANTASTIC! YES! I have had many situations where students have are: a little Restless or I didn't plan enough time for the whole Program class and they get bored. Or the Assignment was too difficult. This has given me so much information and material to look into to resolve some of these issues in my class planning. WOW! AWESOME! AGAIN Best Training yet... I really needed this course... Thank you

Hi: I find that I have to use a variety of different methods in the courses I teach. Because, I have a variety of learners in my classes I don't want to loose anyone. So, I try to encompass PP, Flip Charts, White Board and some movies that are appropriate for the course. I find this captures just about everybody. it has been very successful. I did learn something about PP I utilize the PP that comes with the books. It's helpful but, I find a bit MONDANE... I learned that I can kind of make it my own... and… >>>

I look forward to coming up with new and exciting new things to get my students motivated. I usually spend some time researching new ideas to get my students excited! about the course. I make sure my lesson plan, syllabus and copies are all ready before class.

I learned a great deal about Testing and improving students questions and  responses .

I will study this further on my own and apply the different learning style techniques.


I do ask questions in my courses. But, I can see where I can improve on my methodology of questioning. I can see how asking the specific 3 characteristics of these three styles of questioning can tell me what is going on in terms of learning in my class. It can lead me to know what is going on with my students. Are they understanding are they not. It also allows students an opportunity to express their thoughts about the subject matter. I love that questioning is truly a Contribution... I like that... That makes sense and is so true.… >>>

I also teach Career Development.  I spend two classes on Stress Management Organizational and Time Management skills.  I find when people learn about being organized and manage their time well; it eliviates a great deal of stress.


I enjoy teaching this course and enjoy motivating my students to be positive and stress free.



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